[2018] Complete Keto Diet Cookbook Page 7
2 garlic cloves, minced
1 pound shrimp, peeled and deveined
1 green bell pepper, chopped
28 ounces canned tomatoes, chopped
A pinch of salt and black pepper
Heat up a pot over medium-high heat, add sausage, stir and brown for 10 minutes.
Add onion, celery, garlic, bell pepper, tomatoes, salt and pepper, bring to a simmer, reduce heat to medium and cook for 45 minutes.
Add the shrimp, cover the pot, cook for 5-6 minutes more, divide into bowls and serve for lunch.
Nutrition: calories 301, fat 4, fiber 7, carbs 12, protein 8
Cauliflower Cream
Preparation time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 33 minutes
Servings: 4
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 small yellow onion, chopped
1 cauliflower head, florets separated and chopped
3 cups veggie stock
1 teaspoon garlic, minced
A pinch of salt and black pepper
1 cup cheddar cheese, shredded
½ cup coconut milk
Heat up a pot with the oil over medium-high heat, add the onion, stir and cook for 2-3 minutes.
Add garlic, cauliflower, stock, salt and pepper, stir, bring to a simmer and cook for 30 minutes.
Add the milk and the cheese blend the soup using an immersion blender, divide into bowls and serve.
Nutrition: calories 271, fat 4, fiber 4, carbs 11, protein 7
Indian Chicken Dish
Preparation time: 1 hour
Cooking time: 30 minutes
Servings: 4
2 chicken breasts, skinless, boneless and chopped
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 tablespoon garam masala
¼ teaspoon ginger, grated
A pinch of salt and black pepper
For the sauce:
4 teaspoons garam masala
4 garlic cloves, minced
15 ounces canned tomato sauce
½ teaspoon sweet paprika
½ teaspoon turmeric powder
In a bowl, mix chicken with lemon juice, 1-tablespoon garam masala, ginger, salt and pepper, toss well and leave aside in the fridge for 1 hour.
Heat up a pot over medium-high heat, add the chicken, stir and cook for 10 minutes.
Add 4 teaspoons garam masala, garlic, tomato sauce, paprika and turmeric, stir, cover the pot and cook for 20 minutes.
Divide into bowls and serve for lunch
Nutrition: calories 252, fat 4, fiber 7, carbs 9, protein 11
Creamy Lunch Pork Chops
Preparation time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 30 minutes
Servings: 4
3 bacon slices, chopped
3 garlic cloves, minced
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 small yellow onion, chopped
8 ounces mushrooms, sliced
4 pork chops, bone in
1 cup veggie stock
1 thyme spring, chopped
10 ounces coconut cream
1 tablespoon parsley, chopped
Heat up a pot with the oil over medium-high heat, add the bacon, stir and cook for 2 minutes.
Add garlic, onion and mushrooms, stir and cook for 3 minutes more.
Add pork chops, garlic powder, stock and thyme, stir, bring to a simmer and cook for 30 minutes
Add the cream and the parsley, stir, simmer the stew for 10 minutes more, divide into bowls and serve for lunch.
Nutrition: calories 270, fat 8, fiber 7, carbs 12, protein 11
Tomatillo and Pork Mix
Preparation time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 45 minutes
Servings: 4
2 pounds pork sirloin roast, cubed
A pinch of salt and black pepper
2 teaspoons garlic powder
1 tablespoon olive oil
16 ounces green chili tomatillo salsa
In a bowl, mix pork with cumin, salt, pepper and garlic powder and rub well.
Heat up a pan with the oil over medium-high heat, add the pork and brown for 5 minutes on each side.
Add the tomatillo mix, stir, bring to a simmer and cook for 35 minutes more.
Divide into bowls and serve for lunch.
Nutrition: calories 321, fat 7, fiber 6, carbs 10, protein 17
Cheesy Meatloaf
Preparation time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 55 minutes
Servings: 4
2 pounds beef, ground
¼ cup parmesan, grated
2 yellow onions, chopped
1 egg, whisked
A pinch of salt and black pepper
1 tablespoon garlic, minced
½ teaspoon thyme, dried
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 cup tomato paste
½ cup beef stock
In a bowl, mix beef with cheese, 1 onion, egg, thyme, garlic, salt and pepper and stir really well.
Shape a meatloaf out of this mix and put it in a baking dish.
Heat up a pan with the oil over medium-high heat; add the other onion, stir and sauté for 4-5 minutes.
Add stock and tomato paste, stir, simmer for 1-2 minutes more, pour over the meatloaf, cover the dish with tin foil, introduce in the oven and cook at 390 degrees F for 45 minutes.
Slice the meatloaf, divide it between plates, drizzle the sauce all over and serve for lunch.
Nutrition: calories 383, fat 6, fiber 3, carbs 12, protein 11
Shrimp Skillet
Preparation time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 15 minutes
Servings: 4
8 ounces mushrooms, chopped
1 pound shrimp, peeled and deveined
1 yellow onion, chopped
Salt and black pepper to the taste
1 butternut squash, peeled and cubed
2 tablespoons olive oil
2 teaspoons Italian seasoning
1 teaspoon red pepper flakes, crushed
¼ cup ghee
1 cup parmesan, grated
2 garlic cloves, minced
1 cup coconut cream
Heat up a pan with oil and ghee over medium-high heat, add mushrooms and onion, stir and cook for 5 minutes.
Add pepper flakes, Italian seasoning, salt, pepper and squash, stir and cook for 5-6 minutes more.
Add coconut cream, parmesan, garlic and shrimp, stir, cook for 5 minutes, divide between plates and serve for lunch.
Nutrition: calories 251, fat 6, fiber 2, carbs 9, protein 10
Mexican Chicken Soup
Preparation time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 30 minutes
Servings: 6
1 and ½ pounds chicken tights, skinless, boneless and cubed
15 ounces chicken stock
15 ounces chunky salsa
8 ounces Monterey jack cheese, shredded
Put the chicken and the stock in a pot, bring to a simmer over medium heat, add salsa, stir, cover the pot and cook for 30 minutes.
Add the cheese, stir, ladle the soup into bowls and serve for lunch.
Nutrition: calories 300, fat 6, fiber 3, carbs 9, protein 18
Chicken and Tomato Soup
Preparation time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 30 minutes
Servings: 4
2 chicken breasts, boneless and skinless and cubed
3 cups chicken stock
16 ounces canned tomatoes, chopped
4 ounces canned green chilies, chopped
Salt and black pepper to the taste
2 garlic cloves, minced
1 cup white onion, chopped
1 teaspoon oregano, dried
1 tablespoon cilantro, chopped
Put the stock in a pot and bring to a simmer over medium heat.
Add the chicken, tomatoes, chilies, salt, pepper, garlic, onion and oregano, stir, cover the pot and simmer the soup for 30 minutes.
Add the cilantro, stir, ladle the soup into bowls and serve for lunch.
Nutrition: calories 261, fat 7, fiber 7, carbs 13, protein 13
Meatballs Stew
Preparation time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 30 minutes
Servings: 6
1 and ½ pounds pork meat, ground
1 egg
2 tablespoons parsley, chopped
4 tablespoons coconut flour
2 garlic cloves, minced
Salt and black pepper to the taste
¾ cup veggie stock
1 cup tomato sauce
½ teaspoon nutmeg, ground
½ teaspoon sweet paprika
2 tablespoons olive oil
2 carrots, chopped
In a bowl, combine the meat with egg, salt, pepper, parsley, paprika, garlic and nutmeg, stir, shape medium meatballs out of this mix and dust them with the flour.
Heat up a pot with the oil over medium-high heat, add the meatballs and brown them for 3-4 minutes on each side.
Add carrots, tomato sauce and stock, stir, bring to a simmer, cover the pot and cook the stew for 20 minutes.
Divide everything into bowls and serve for lunch.
Nutrition: calories 281, fat 8, fiber 6, carbs 10, protein 15
Chicken Cream Soup
Preparation time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 25 minutes
Servings: 6
1 and ½ pounds butternut squash, peeled and cubed
1 cup chicken meat, cooked and shredded
½ cup green onions, chopped
3 tablespoons ghee, melted
30 ounces chicken stock
½ cup carrots, chopped
½ cup celery, chopped
1 garlic clove, minced
½ teaspoon Italian seasoning
15 ounces canned tomatoes, chopped
Salt and black pepper to the taste
A pinch of red pepper flakes, dried
1 and ½ cup coconut cream
Heat up a pot with the ghee over medium-high heat, add celery, carrots and onions, stir and cook for 5 minutes.
Add garlic, squash, chicken, tomatoes, stock, Italian seasoning, salt, pepper, pepper flakes and nutmeg, stir, bring to a simmer and cook for 15 minutes.
Blend soup using an immersion blender, add coconut cream, stir, cook for 5 minutes more, ladle into bowls and serve.
Nutrition: calories 282, fat 9, fiber 7, carbs 10, protein 7
Asparagus Soup
Preparation time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 20 minutes
Servings: 5
2 pounds green asparagus, chopped
2 tablespoons olive oil
5 cups chicken stock
1 yellow onion, chopped
A pinch of salt and black pepper
¼ teaspoon lemon juice
1 cup coconut cream
Heat up a pot with the oil over medium-high heat, add the asparagus, onion, salt and pepper, stir and cook for 5 minutes.
Add stock, cover the pot, bring to a boil, cook for 15 minutes, transfer everything to your blender, pulse well, add coconut cream and lemon juice, stir, ladle into bowls and serve.
Nutrition: calories 250, fat 5, fiber 9, carbs 8, protein 7
Fennel Soup
Preparation time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 25 minutes
Servings: 3
3 fennel bulbs, chopped
2 cups veggie stock
1 tablespoon olive oil
Salt and black pepper to the taste
2 teaspoons parmesan cheese, grated
Heat up a pot with the oil over medium-high heat, add the fennel, stir and sauté it for 5 minutes.
Add the stock, salt and pepper, stir, bring to a simmer and cook for 20 minutes.
Add cheese, stir, ladle into bowls and serve.
Nutrition: calories 206, fat 3, fiber 7, carbs 12, protein 5
Lunch Chicken and Tomatoes Stew
Preparation time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 40 minutes
Servings: 6
6 chicken thighs
1 teaspoon olive oil
¼ pound baby carrots
Salt and black pepper to the taste
1 yellow onion, chopped
1 celery stalk, chopped
1 tablespoon parsley, chopped
2 and ½ cups chicken stock
15 ounces canned tomatoes, chopped
Heat up a pot with the oil over medium-high heat, add the chicken, salt and pepper and brown for 4 minutes on each side.
Add celery, onion and carrots, stir and sauté them for 4 minutes.
Add stock and tomatoes, stir, bring to a simmer and cook for 25 minutes.
Transfer chicken pieces to a cutting board, leave aside to cool down for a few minutes, discard bones, shred meat, return it to the stew, also add the parsley, toss, divide into bowls and serve for lunch.
Nutrition: calories 272, fat 4, fiber 4, carbs 7, protein 14
Fresh Eggplant Mix
Preparation time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 10 minutes
Servings: 4
1 eggplant, sliced
1 red onion, sliced
2 teaspoons olive oil
1 avocado, pitted and chopped
1 teaspoon mustard
1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar
Zest of 1 lemon, grated
A pinch of salt and black pepper
1 tablespoon fresh oregano, chopped
Brush the onion slices and eggplant with half of the oil, put them on heated kitchen grill over medium-high heat, cook for 5 minutes on each side, transfer them to a cutting board, roughly chop them, put them in a bowl, add the avocado and toss a bit.
In a bowl, mix vinegar with mustard, oregano, lemon zest, the rest of the oil, salt and pepper, whisk well, pour over the eggplant mix, toss, divide into bowls and serve for lunch,
Nutrition: calories 250, fat 3, fiber 2, carbs 14, protein 8
Fish Soup
Preparation time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 36 minutes
Servings: 4
1 yellow onion, chopped
1 pound white fish, skinless, boneless and roughly cubed
10 cups veggie stock
1 pound carrots, sliced
1 tablespoon olive oil
Salt and black pepper to the taste
2 tablespoons ginger, grated
Heat up a pot with the oil over medium heat, add onion, stir and sauté for 6 minutes.
Add ginger, carrots, salt, pepper, water and stock, stir bring to a simmer and cook for 20 minutes.
Add the fish, simmer the soup for 10 minutes more, ladle it into bowls and serve for lunch.
Nutrition: calories 200, fat 6, fiber 6, carbs 9, protein 11
Bacon Kebabs
nbsp; Preparation time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 20 minutes
Servings: 6
1 pound mushroom caps
6 bacon strips
1 tablespoon olive oil
Salt and black pepper to the taste
½ teaspoon sweet paprika
Season mushroom caps with salt, pepper and paprika.
Spear a bacon strip on a skewer’s ends, continue with a mushroom cap and fold over bacon and repeat until you obtain a braid.
Repeat with the rest of the mushrooms and bacon strip, brush the kebabs with the oil, place them on preheated kitchen grill over medium heat, cook for 10 minutes on each side, divide them between plates and serve for lunch with a side salad.
Nutrition: calories 200, fat 7, fiber 4, carbs 12, protein 10
Creamy Pumpkin Soup